Terms & Conditions


Please find below our terms and conditions of membership to Impact Athletic Club. These are the Terms and Conditions as currently in place from July 2024. These may change and any changes will be notified to members and published in an updated Terms and Conditions document.

  1. Membership to Impact Athletic Club costs £5.00 which is payable once when an athlete registers with the club.
  2. Termly fees must be paid in advance. The cost of these sessions is detailed on our club website – www.impactathleticclub.co.uk
  3. Sessions missed to due to illness or injury will not be refunded. However, we are happy to discuss the carrying-over of fees paid for any athlete that has an injury resulting in long-term absence. This is dealt with on a case-by-case basis.
  4. If your child(ren) is/are unable to attend a session due to illness or another commitment, then they may be able to attend an alternative session on that week only. This should be arranged with the club in advance, who can ensure that all athletes attending a session are on the correct session register.
  5. Bullying of other members of Impact Athletic Club, either physical or verbal, will not be tolerated. If you have any concerns about a child’s behaviour during training sessions, then please contact Craig Smith (Head Coach) or Charlotte Dury (Club Welfare Officer)
  6. All members must agree to the club’s code of conducts on registering with the club.
  7. Please disclose any medical issues concerning your child(ren). This is shared with coaches only and remains confidential. Please also notify of us of any changes to their medical history since your original application to join Impact Athletic Club.
  8. If you wish for your child to compete for Impact Athletic Club, a club vest or t-shirt must be worn. Training kit is also available, but this is not compulsory. See the Impact Athletic Website for details and costs.
  9. Entry costs to competitions will be communicated to all members prior to the competition date and invoiced in the usual way if your child decides to take part.
  10. Lost property is collected and brought to every training session. If you believe you have left an item at a session, then please contact us. Any lost property not claimed at the end of each term will be donated to charity or made available for Club Members to purchase second hand.



As a child or young person under 18 years, I have the right to:

  • be safe and protected
  • be listened to
  • be respected and treated fairly
  • be believed
  • ask for help
  • be coached by someone who has the right qualifications.

As a young athlete, I will respect the code of conduct and I will:

  • be friendly and supportive to other athletes
  • keep myself safe
  • tell my coach if I am ill or injured
  • report inappropriate behaviour or risky situations to an adult
  • compete fairly and respect other athletes and officials
  • respect the rules of my club
  • behave and listen to all instructions from my coach
  • take care of equipment owned or provided by the club or training facility
  • not use bad language or take part in inappropriate or illegal behaviour
  • not bully anyone or pressure them to do things they do not want to, including online
  • in no way undermine, put down or belittle other athletes or coaches
  • keep to agreed timings for all club activities

I understand that if I do not follow the code, action can be taken by my club and I may:

  • be asked to apologise for my behaviour
  • receive a verbal warning from my coach
  • receive a verbal or written warning from the club
  • be suspended from attending club training sessions
  • be suspended or required to leave the club.

Additionally, my club will always tell my parents/carers if I breach the code of conduct.



As a responsible parent/carer of an athlete aged under 18, I will:

  • abide by the club’s Child Safeguarding Policy and Child Safeguarding Procedures
  • demonstrate respectful behaviour at all times
  • set a good example and encourage my child to learn the rules of the sport and compete within them at all times
  • help my child to recognise good performance and not just results
  • make athletics fun
  • never force my child to take part in sport if they do not want to
  • never punish or belittle my child for losing or making mistakes
  • use correct and appropriate language at all times
  • check the qualifications and licences of people who are coaching or managing my child, or offering a service connected to athletics such as physiotherapy, massage or nutritional advice
  • know exactly where my child will be and who they will be with at all times
  • assume responsibility for safe transportation of my child to and from training and competition
  • return or complete online any necessary written consent forms to the club/team manager or appropriate person, including next of kin details, health and medical requirements before my child goes to any away events or trips
  • provide any necessary medical information and medication that my child needs for training or competition
  • report any concerns about my child’s (or any other child’s) welfare to the club. (This does not affect your right to contact your local Social Services or the Police if you feel it is necessary)
  • in no way undermine, put down or belittle athletes, coaches or practitioners.


I understand that inappropriate pressure on children and poor behaviour of adult spectators can sometimes make children drop out of sport. I accept that this code promotes good spectator behaviour, and understand that if I verbally abuse children, coaches or officials, action will be taken.


I understand that if I do not follow the code, action can be taken by my club and I may:

  • be asked to apologise for my behaviour
  • receive a verbal or written warning from the club committee
  • be suspended from attending club training sessions and events
  • be suspended from the club
  • be required to leave the club

July 2024